
This page is for a bunch of non-research things that I've done. I love to learn and create, and I love to share the outcomes. Be warned that many of these projects are incomplete or exploratory in nature. Hopefully they are still fun to view!

Drawing of native tree museum concept
Native Tree Mini-Museum

Recently, I've been taking a lot of walks around the neighborhood and enjoying the scenery of my neighbors' yards. I have particularly enjoyed yards in which it is clear the owners have deliberately planted native plants. In an area as drought-stricken as California, planting natives can help conserve water, reduce maintenance, and encourage local pollinators. Makes sense – the plants would have been living here anyway without us humans!

2021 February 24

A folding rocking chair.
Unfinished – Folding Rocking Chair

The other day I was enjoying our rocking chair in the apartment when I came to two realizations: It would be nice to transport this experience to an outdoor gathering and It would be nice if this chair didn't take up so much floor space when it wasn't being used. This all led me to ask the question: how might we create a transportable, floor-space friendly rocking chair?

2021 February 20

Bay area commute in different regions
Commuting & Income in the Bay Area

I never did finish this, but I probably won't so I'm putting it out there now. Note: this page does not operate well on my website. I would go to the Observablehq if you want to see it in its original state.

  Observablehq  | 2020 July 27

Illustration of two hypotheses of how a cell nucleus might be deformed during migration: either by intracellular forces or by extracellular forces
Cell Migration, Illustrated

Prior to moving to the SHAPE Lab, my research proposal for my graduate studies at Stanford had two goals: (1) clarify the role of the nucleus in driving cell migration and (2) determine the role of force generation in endometriotic cell invasion through other cells. I have since moved on to other research topics, but still enjoy discussing my cell migration work. Below are some of my depictions of those proposals.

2020 April 18

Animation showing a cell deforming extracellular matrix and then migrating into the open space.
Viscoelasticity & Plasticity, Visualized

Elasticity, viscosity, and plasticity are important material parameters. But what do they actually look like? And why should biologists care about these properties? Below is an interactive exploration of the ways we mathematically describe viscoelasticity and plasticity. Please note that this demonstration is geared toward those who have studied college level mechanics of materials. The math could be quite difficult if you haven't taken it before!

  Observablehq  | 2020 March 01

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