
This page is for a bunch of non-research things that I've done. I love to learn and create, and I love to share the outcomes. Be warned that many of these projects are incomplete or exploratory in nature. Hopefully they are still fun to view!

A clock made in the form of a Chaos Gate from the game Hades.
Chaos Clock

I adore the video game, Hades. And I especially adore Chaos. So I attempted to make a clock out of the Chaos Gate design. The design part worked out well, but the actual clock part... Well you'll have to watch to find out. I designed and printed my own clock gear train, and added lights to mimic the colors of the Chaos eye. Is it a good clock? No. Was it fun to do this project? Meh. But did it turn out kinda pretty? I'd say yes!

  YouTube  GitHub  | 2023 November 04

A dice rolling tray.
Lined Dice Rolling Tray

I play a lot of tabletop-RGPs, so I made a dice tray for rolling dice in and holding a character sheet. I'm not much of a wood-worker, so this box is made from a bunch of laser-cut shapes stacked on top of one another. You can download the laser-cutter file (without the art on the top of the box) here.

  YouTube  | 2022 December 21

A shortcut or macro keyboard in the shape of an NES controller.
NES-Inspired Shortcut Keyboard

I love the look of the classic NES, so I designed a shortcut keyboard around it. I added as many keys as I had key parts, to leave room for as many shortcuts as I might want to add in the future. The goal is to use this as an alternative to keyboard shortcuts while drawing on a separate tablet. I created 3d models, printed everything out, and put it all together with some code libraries and electronics from Adafruit.

  YouTube  GitHub  | 2022 July 04

A neon sign in the shape of a grapefruit that says 'Slightly Bitter'.
Custom Neon LED Sign

I've always wanted my own neon sign, but lack the willingness to pay for the real deal. Besides, as an artist, I wanted to design my own. Luckily for me, you can buy pseudo-neon lights – LED strips embedded sideways in colorful silicone that effectively imitate an actual neon light. Using many of these strips, a 24V 5A power supply, some wood sheets, and a lot of soldering, I put together my own version of a neon sign.

  YouTube  | 2022 June 25

Concept drawing of cell playground
In Progress – Cell Playground / Museum

The goal: immerse attendees in play and learning in a playground that takes the form of a human cell. Biology and nature create incredible shapes that are amenable to children's play and exploration. If they can be adapted to be educational as well, it could essentially be a playground and science museum.

2021 March 03

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